Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lady Justice

The time-honored symbol of justice in the West is the Lady of Justice (adapted from Greek and Roman mythology) depicted as a blind-folded woman with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other.

Lady Justice symbolises fairness and equality, she is the main symbol of Justice. She is blindfolded as to make her objective, the scales represent fairness and the sword shows vengence or punishment.

Introduction to Social Justice

The protection of the rights of all human beings, irrespective of
·         race,
·         color,
·         creed,
·         nationality, or
·         language,
is central to any conception of justice.
 Justice can be defined as
‘the morally correct state of persons and their affairs.’
Justice can be defined as the morally correct state of persons and their affairs.

From a practical point of view, justice demands
·         equality,
·         objectivity, and
·         fair dealing.